Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happier Times

Jacen learned long ago that the one thing that could get Pan out of a funk was the completion of a run.

The first job The Harlot and her crew had together was a simple smuggling run. Pan ended up being hired last, only a few days after Jacen. Jacen thought she must have been born angry from the way she glared at everyone. He saw a lot of her during the week they spent getting to the pickup location and Captain kept them all together for "bonding". So many people together all the time made Jacen nervous. It made Pan more aggressive and unapproachable. Once they got to the pickup, Pan disappeared into the cockpit with Riley, Captain and Roderick.

After that, Jacen didn't see Pan for the two weeks the run took.

She emerged from the crawl spaces of the ship just in time to return to the cockpit and generate docking authorizations for the ship. Riley had said that Pan was perfectly polite once Captain had given her a job to do. Jacen thought the pilot was just fucking with him.

But once their cargo was successfully sold, Jacen spotted Pan smiling and joking with Riley. He sat down with them under the pretense of needing coffee. That was when the three had become inseparable.

6/1 prompt "Write about one thing that generally makes you stop frowning." I am on a space pirate rampage over here. I blame ME2.

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