Friday, April 30, 2010

2/3 of the Armor Trilogy

Part 1:
Jordan took about a second to dismiss the idea. The dull metal exo now stayed in storage with with Matt's other failed inventions.
“Its been done before,” she had said,
Matt frowned at the exo suit like it had betrayed him. At least he hadn't bothered to try and program it yet.
“And if I did want armor, it wouldn't have boobs,” Jordan had added as she left.

Part 2:
Jordan frowned at Matt. Then the armor. He had modified the chestpiece to remove the extra “room”. It was painted a matte black now, except where the plates overlapped. The greased metal there shone silver.
“Didn't you fail combat?” Jordan asked,
“No, I got a D. I bribed King with a simulation room..deck...”
Jordan hummed. She was seriously considering it this time, Matt realized,
“There are no guns,” Matt offerend,
It wasn't for lack of wanting them. Matt couldn't find a power source that could fuel the suit and support any sort of energy weapon. And he would be damned if he was going to use conventional weapons. Matt scoffed mentally.
It also just so happened that Jordan hated guns.
Jordan hummed again in a slightly different tone. Deeper, this time. Matt was almost there,
“There are no nano-bots this time,” he smiled,
Jordan chuckled darkly at that memory,
“Whatever you want, then,” Jordan added as she left.

Note: Part 3 probably going up tomorrow. Its actually longer than part 1 and 2 combined! Surprising, I know. Remember: Evil plans in the comments.

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