Saturday, May 1, 2010

Armor 3

Matt found out back in M.R.C. that Max had programming experience in a rather round about way. One of the Fates had caught a whiff of a memory. When the Gossips did their weekly mind-tapping of the Fates, they collected that same memory. The memory then got lost in the shuffle of many minds. For a while. When Rebecca went into the Gossips' collective to look for information on Max all hat time ago, she got a hold of that same memory. Since the Gossips were not above gossiping about their own, they gossiped. So Matt heard from one of the wanna-be Gossips about Rebecca's taking of information on Max. Matt tracked down Rebecca and had to convince her that he wasn't spying for Jordan. Luckily, Rebecca was an empath, so that went quickly. Matt picked Rebecca's brain(s) (remotely, of course) and found that brilliant glimpse of java syntax hidden in the memories.

And, being a fan of efficiency, there was one last detour for Matt to make. Matt bought a book on C syntax and code optimization.

Matt stole Max's extra time for the next month. They both learned a new language. Max went too slow for Matt. In return, Matt went to fast for Max. In some ways, this was the equilibrium they always had. Another month and they could effectively pair program in C.

Max resisted counting how many hours they spent programming the heads-up display (Max refused to call it anything but a HUD), then the muscle-to-motor translation, then a basic data management and storage component. There were a few null pointer exceptions. Then came the seg-faults. Both were accompanied by headaches and extra eye strain.

When Matt returned Max to his free time, he realized the suit had no native A.I. He decided he didn't care. Matt strapped in and immediately got cuts in places he would never mention. He got into the store of Jordan's costume material and learned how to sew. Matt avoided cuts this time. Then he jumped through a wall by accident. Luckily, it wasn't a load bearing wall. Unluckily, Lucien was home and Matt thought he was going to be permanently blind as punishment. Matt fixed the wall, then the exo's calibrations. The next time he broke a wall, it was on purpose. He could save installing a compact jet pack for later.

Max went with Matt the first time he took the exo outside of the lab. They left (late) after nightfall. Matt was awkward jumping across gaps between buildings. For once he wished he had practiced parkour with the rest of his class.

Max echolocated some kids beating up a younger kid with a crowbar. Max stayed perched on the roof overlooking the wide alley as Matt crashed down. The kids started at the large, angry looking exo-suit which had suddenly appeared in the alley with them. The young kid had enough sense to take off. The kid with the crowbar threw it at Matt's helmet. Matt giggled a little, but no sound escaped the exo. The kids stared in horror as Matt advanced on them, his motions seeming almost human. At the last second, they scatter. Matt stared after them but can't decide which to pursue. Max dropped down and informed Matt that he needed to be more decisive. Matt decided that the exo still needed work.

Note: Sooo that's the last in the armor series! I have a feeling there's terrible tense shifting in there...

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