Monday, May 17, 2010

Daily Prompts Rush

Don't Stare

The little girl was excited to be out. It was the first day of summer and it was sweltering. Her mother had allowed her to tie her own hair back. Using mismatching hair elastics, she had made uneven pigtails out of her dark brown hair. Even better than that, her mother had promised her ice cream.

They took the short walk into town and she was enjoying the rock in her sandals. When they arrived at the ice cream store, it was already swarming with older kids. Most of them were too old to acknowledge her existence. She felt comfortable observing them while her and her mother were waiting in line for her double scoop of strawberry ice cream. One of the older kids noticed her staring. He stared back unblinkingly.

"Honey, it's not polite to stare," her mother's hand came down on her shoulder.

She blinked. The older boy was gone.


She straddles the bike and spurs it to life. The black bike starts with a slight shudder and a softer than normal purr. She slides the bike from its parking space and into traffic. The bike slices through the parallel cars. The drivers sneer at her as she shoots past them. She sinks into a curve and senses the road close to her leg. She shifts out of out of the curve easily and back to skirting traffic.


She couldn't believe it. She could not believe it. She pressed her thumb and middle finger on her temples, trying to clear her head.

She breathed in.
And out.

It wasn't helping. She was still seeing red. She began to glare at her computer again, reading the message over, faster than the first time. She slammed the laptop closed, not even caring about the well being of the machine. Who did he think he was? She knew she shouldn't care about something so insignificant as getting blocked on facebook...but wasn't he the one who had broken up with her?! She blew out a breath between her teeth.

Then laughed haltingly. She was done with this.

Nosy Neighbors

Jordan and Max (and Lucien and Matt and Hunter and Caitlin) had to be careful about the neighbors they lived with. They had to be observant (in case they needed to ask if anyone had been looking for them) but not nosy (in case they had a fight break out in their apartments.) The neighbors couldn't be overly outgoing (so the neighbors didn't find out they were mostly nocturnal.) The neighbors had to be deep sleepers (so the neighbors didn't find out they were mostly nocturnal.) The neighbors couldn't leave things out on the fire escapes (in case they needed a quick escape route.) (Also, it was a fire hazard.)

Phew. I've been playing too much Gyromancer, hence the title. Also, hence me writing all of these in one day. I've been writing, I've just been neglecting my prompts. So here they are.

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