Friday, May 7, 2010

More This is Going Nowhere snippets

This is Going Nowhere

This is going nowhere. I just needed somewhere to write down all of my random, small, unimportant epiphanies. I figure that the bigger ones don't need to be written down. So here you'll find all of my psychotic, sociopathic and strange thoughts down on paper.


Love, in my opinion, isn't something that happens overnight. It's something that needs to be nursed-- subconsciously or not-- so that it can grow. Love for someone else, or for yourself, is something that just becomes a part of you. I don't believe in fate. I don't believe in love at first sight. I barely believe in love at all.


Bees and I have an agreement. I don't fuck with them, they don't fuck with me.


Unlike bees, wasps and I are not on speaking terms. Especially Japanese Wasps. Those are scary as shit and I would not even want to talk to them because I think if I tried they would fly into my mouth and eat me.

First, I think I made up the word "sociopathic". Second, I don't understand where all of this writing is coming from. I feel like I've sprung a leak.


  1. All that writing? Yeah. That's what happens when you write EVERY DAY. Sooner or later it just kicks in. I've written about 5,000 words in the last three days. It's AWESOME.


  2. I haven't quite reached that level of productivity :P
