Sunday, May 2, 2010

Risky business

Max eyed the ledge with suspicion.

“Come on,” Lucien urged, hanging over the edge,

Max raised his eyebrow at Matt. Matt was studiously ignoring the ledge and shrugged at Max's eyebrow.

“Don't even tell me,” Lucien groaned at Max,

“The most dangerous thing I've ever done is skip a class...” Max said to the ledge,

Jordan scaled up the wall using the corner of the adjoining wall and walked along the ledge until she was standing next to Lucien's hands,

“What now?” she asked with a sharp look at Matt,

I didn't say anything, Matt buried his face further into the book,

“Ugh,” Jordan sighed, “We keep getting stuck with prudes don't we,”

Lucien nodded,

“Look, if the biggest risk you take is jumping off this ledge into that pool,” Jordan fixed Max and Matt with a look, “then you'd still be one of the most cautious people here. Chris alone brings at least a hundred Mutes back from the dead each week. If you can't die, what's a risk?”

Max blushed. Jordan sighed again and disappeared off of the ledge. Lucien fixed Matt with an accusatory look before following her down into the dark pool.

Notes: Written for a prompt of "What's the riskiest thing you've done all week?" on 4/21 and not posted until now >.<

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