Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Series of Prompts

A Recipe for Disaster

“What're you cooking up in here?” Tristan trotted into the lab,

“Reverse engineering Mark's DNA based on a sample I took for Morganna,” Vivian replied,

“Hasn't he inhibited cloning on his genetic materials?”

Tristan looked over Vivian's shoulder as she manipulated a few alleles at a time.

“Yes. Which is why I need to make some,” Vivian answered,

“So have you told Mark you're cloning him yet?” Tristan asked, frowning a bit,

“Of course not,” Vivian grinned as if she had fangs, “If I told him what I was doing, I'd be dead,”

“Where'd you learn genetics from?”

“Drakes are famous geneticists, I figured I was too,” Vivian said, using Tristan's previous logic against him,

Tristan threw up his arms and groaned in frustration.

“I figure I'm gonna combine Nyx and Boba Fett. Mark's sex chromosome is going to be damaged because I say so. And I'm going to have a normally aging clone to raise for myself,” Vivian ignored Tristan, “Not really planning on mass producing clones, though,”

“Thank god,” Tristan agreed, “Done?”

Vivian dipped a ladle into the glowing, soupy mixture. She transferred the alleged genetic material into a test tube, then inserted the test tube into a hulking piece of machinery which was more or less shaped like a cryogenics chamber. Vivian stared at the machine as if she was puzzling through how to work it, then poked at a few buttons. The machine made a sound like an elephant falling down a staircase. A moment or two later, the door popped open and Vivian pulled out a toddler by the wrist. The girl looked exactly like Mark: dark hair, dark eyes and pale skin.

“Damn,” Vivian said.

For the 5/8 prompt "What are you cooking up in your head?" Loosely interpreted :P

Tater Tots

“You know what I miss?” Matt asked Lucien,

Lucien grinned and tossed one of Matt's dead inventions from hand to hand.

“I miss tater tots,” Matt answered, taking the intelligence core from Lucien,

“No way,” Lucien sat forward in his chair, “M.R.C?”

Matt nodded, feeling wary,

I can't believe you, Lucien snickered,

Oh come on, Matt sighed,

“They were good!” Matt insisted,

“No! We didn't even have ketchup!” Lucien laughed, “What you should miss is Open Gym,”

“Me?” Matt asked incredulously, “You're saying I should miss Open Gym. You know who you're talking to, right?”

“Yes. A man who misses crappy tater tots,”

“Missing tater tots isn't normal, but missing getting set on fire during capture the flag is?”

“Tater tots without ketchup,”

“Getting set on fire during a children's game,”

Lucien and Matt frowned at each other. Lucien broke down laughing first,

“All right,” Lucien stood up, “Let's go,”


Lucien hauled Matt up and started poking around the mess of gadgets in Matt's desk,

“M.R.C., obviously,” Lucien waved at Matt,

“Tater tots?” Matt asked giddily,

Lucien grinned, wrapped his arms around Matt and activated the teleporter.

For the 5/7 prompt "Would it taste as good now as it did then?" More loose interpretations.


“Does Valentine's Day have any real historical significance?” Max asked,
“I don't know,” Matt answered, “Why?”

“Well, back at school, everyone always said that Valentine's Day was just a Hallmark holiday. But St. Valentine was a real person right? So isn't that historical significance?” Max rested his head on the end of Matt's bed,

“Not really my area of expertise,” suddenly Matt's face was serious, “But never tell the Gossips that,”

“That I hate Valentine's Day?”

“Yes. They think that its a good prank to make other Mutes 'fall in love' on Valentine's Day,”

“Its February isn't it,” Max paled,


5/6 "What's your least favorite holiday?"


Vivian is a big fan of forgiveness.

Vivian forgives her mother for using her as Vivian strikes the final blow and her astral form disperses.

Vivian forgives 26 for trying to skin her by throwing the goblin off the asteroid they shared and watching him fall.

Vivian forgives Wraith for trying to ruin her plan to take over the universe by skinning his lemon form (not Vivian's fault).

She forgives Epitome for trying to reality-shape her away by severing the other woman's spine.

Vivian forgives M.E.A.T. by turning them into chili.

Vivian forgives the piranha children, the robot wolves, the minotaurs, the imps, the Light Runners, the dwarves, the synthetics.

Of all of the people who hurt her, she forgives them all.

For the 5/5 prompt: "Who hurt you and should be forgiven?"

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